English version of our website is under renewal now .
Let me know if you have any question about us. We don’t mind receiving messages in English. Or please see Airbnb.
This is an accommodation request form for the following persons.
・クレジットカードがない / In case of no any credit card
・エラーとなって先に進めない / In case of an error of system by any reason
If you have any questions before making a reservation, please contact us from here.
72時間以内に改めてご返信いたしますが、 万が一返信がない場合は、大変恐れ入りますが改めてメールをいただくか、自動返信メールに記載されているお電話にてお問い合わせください。
If you do not receive a reply, please contact us again by e-mail as indicated in the auto-reply e-mail.
Step 1 ) 空室カレンダーの確認 / Check availability calendar.
Please check availability calendar.
> 空室カレンダー / availability calendar
Step 2 ) 予約リクエストの送信 / Request of reservation
Please fill in the required fields.
Step 3 ) 前払金のご清算 / Deposit of accommodation fee
Please have your credit card ready to settle the deposit payment.
Step3まで完了したら、ご予約を承ります。わたしたちからの予約確定メール(booking comfirmation)が届きましたらご予約確定となります。ありがとうございます。
Once Step 3 is completed, we will accept your reservation. Your reservation is complete when you receive an email confirming your reservation by us.
Thank you!