透過尋常人家、日常小鎮的料理中,細細體驗、感受生活吧!HOUSEHOLD的存在就像你走進哪家的廚房後門,輕聲說:「打擾了!」瞬間融入帶有地方生活感的民宿。雖然在下榻的飯店中,品嘗專業廚師所做的料理是件享受,但比不過親自使用在地的當季食材,動手料理。透過親自料理最能感受到在地的豐盛之味, HOUSEHOLD就是抱持這個理想而誕生。

Seaside Inn to find pleasure in cooking and living local town | Inn / kitchen / gallery




HOUEHOLD has only 2 guest rooms renovated from an old seaside building, complete with communal kitchen and art gallery. On 4th floor, You can see the sea, and on the sunny day, the Tateyama. The one of room is named “nami”  which is cozy and has a small window in east. And the other is named “yane” which is bright and larger, has a big window in south. The shower room and the toilet and two terraces are shered.


Private是HOUSEHOLD位於3樓的獨立租借空間,這裡就像你第二個家,歡迎你隨時回來。這裡的廚房和用餐空間可以看到海景,並邊做飯邊看海。可以工作,也能好好休息的房間(共2間房),且備有洗衣間,長期居住相當方便。 Private只要停留3天以上,就可以租借。

private is a second house on the 3rd floor of HOUSEHOLD. There are kitchen dining where you can cook while looking at the sea, spacious bedrooms (2 rooms) where you can work in your room, and a laundry space where you can wash your clothes, making it easy for you to stay for a long time. Anyone can stay in private for 3 nights or more.



We have something to drink or eat for a rest. Please drop in and see me when you come over here even if you don’t have accommodation.

days / news


HOUSEHOLD Shinya and Natsumi Sasakura