”MOUNTAIN COLLECTOR “の「山の布」展をHOUSEHOLD 2F gallery にて開催いたします。
MOUNTAIN COLLECTORは、鈴木優香が手がける、山で見た景色をハンカチに仕立ててゆくプロジェクト。この活動は自身の山行を記録する意味合いを持ち、登山とテキスタイルの制作を繰り返しながら、二度とは見られない山の景色を集めています。
また今回は特別に展示期間中ハンカチの販売も行います。MOUNTAIN COLLECTORのハンカチは通常よりも透け感のある、柔らかく軽やかな綿100%の生地に山の風景を落とし込んでいます。山が好きな方、ハンカチが好きな方への贈り物にもおすすめです。是非お手にとってご覧ください。
We will hold the exhibition “YAMA NO NUNO” by MOUNTAIN COLLECTOR at the HOUSEHOLD 2F gallery. This project features fabrics inspired by the mountain landscapes of Japan, with their stunning beauty captured in cloth by Yuka Suzuki. Drawing on her personal recollections from years of mountaineering, these textiles express the once-seen, but long-remembered scenes encountered on her travels.
Her most recent undertaking, Suzuki-san has drawn from the colors and shapes of Japan’s alpine landscapes to create large-form textiles. Their tough composition means they are equally suitable for beds and sofas as they are for lounging on the beach.
The recently opened HOUSEHOLD offers the opportunity to view this exhibition in view of the beautiful Tateyama mountain range and Toyama Bay while feeling a refreshing breeze in our gallery.
Suzuki-san’s renown handkerchiefs, made from 100% natural cotton will also be available for purchase. People who love mountains and textiles alike should take the opportunity to admire their exquisite fusion. We look forward to your visit.
場所 :HOUSEHOLD 2F – gallery
日時 :2018/7/29(日)~8/26(日)/12:00~18:00Place : HOUSEHOLD 1F – gallery
Time and Day : 12:00~18:00 From Sunday 29 July. 2018 to Sunday 26 Aug

1986年 千葉県生まれ
2009年 東京藝術大学美術学部デザイン科卒業
2011年 同大学大学院美術研究科デザイン専攻修了
2011年~2015年 株式会社モンベルにて商品企画/デザインを手がける
2016年 MOUNTAIN COLLECTOR プロジェクトをスタート


住所:〒935-0013 富山県氷見市南大町26-10
(電車)JR氷見線 氷見駅から徒歩7分
(車)県道302号線 南大町交差点すぐ
Address:26-10 Minamiomachi,Himi city, Toyama 935-0013
(by train) 7 min walk from Himi station /JR Himi Line
(by car) near intersection of “Minami-omachi”
